Boston Dementia Action Alliance marked Dementia Awareness Week 2016 with a series of activities that helped to raise awareness of dementia and made one message very clear:
Life doesn’t end when dementia begins. With the right help and support in place people are able to live well with dementia.

Alzheimer’s Society’s information stall at Boston Stump displaying heart felt messages from people living with dementia along with forget-me-nots created by local young people
Activities took place throughout the week to prompt conversations about dementia and remove the fear and stigma sometimes associated with it. On Wednesday 18 May a stall in Boston market place offered information about dementia and the support available locally. If you missed the stall, you can find useful information online at or by calling The Alzheimer’s Society on 01522 692681.
On Thursday 19 May the “Happy memories pieced together” mosaic was unveiled. Memory Lane, a creative group for people with dementia and their carers, worked under the guidance of artists Fiona Gurney and Carol Parker to create this wonderful and vibrant piece of art, which has been installed on the western approach to the town footbridge. Each panel has been produced by a member of the group to reflect their thoughts, emotions or memories along their life journey. The tiles used to make up the mosaic represent the pieces of the puzzle in trying to recall their memories and the finished artwork proves that there is more to each person than their dementia.

Members of Memory Lane, artist Carol Parker and local funders; Boston Big Local, Boston Borough Council, Lincolnshire County Council and Witham Central and Carlton Road Neighbourhood Action Group proudly presenting “Happy memories pieced together”
Dementia Friends sessions were also delivered around Boston throughout Dementia Awareness Week, resulting in the creation of over 50 new Dementia Friends. The short information sessions aim to increase understanding of Dementia and inspire people to take action. If you are interested in attending one of the sessions or would like to find out more, please visit
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