TshirtThis year’s Boston Marathon UK took place on Easter Monday, 17 April, and was again a runaway success! The event brought many visitors to Boston, raised money for local charities and benefited local businesses. It was organised by Boston Marathon Association and supported by local sponsors and volunteer marshals. Boston Big Local was the event’s main sponsor again in 2017.

This year a separate 3 mile/5 kilometre Fun Run was also organised to cater for the younger and casual runners from the area. This took place alongside the marathon but as a sub-event with separate sponsorship.

In all, 406 people completed the full marathon on the day, along with 312 who completed the half marathon. 41 people took part in the fun run. 5% of the runners came from Boston, and 20% of runners were from Lincolnshire. There were also runners from across the UK and from as far away as the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Hungary, Belarus, Jordan, and India.

The male winner of the full marathon was Adam Holland with a time of 02:29:35. The female winner of the full marathon was Myra Jones with a time of 03:02:08. In the half marathon, first place in the male category went to James Straw, who completed the half marathon in 01:10:40. The female winner of the half marathon was Natalie Burns with a time of 01:20:48.

MedalsIncluding Boston Marathon Association members, there were over 100 volunteers supporting the event. 90% of the marshals were from Boston, many from within the Boston Big Local area.

Congratulations to everyone who took part in Boston Marathon UK – either as a runner, an organiser, or as a volunteer marshal. Boston Big Local is proud to have been able to support the event and we look forward to seeing it continue to grow in future years. It provides a fantastic opportunity to build community spirit and promote health and the town of Boston.

You can read a full report on the event here on our website.

The Boston Marathon UK medals and t-shirts featured the Boston Stump

Photographs courtesy of Boston Marathon Association.