TownTeamBoston Town Team’s first Local Food for Thought event was held on Saturday 30 January at Boston Market Place and Blenkin Hall in Wormgate. The free event was funded by Boston Big Local and supported by Boston Mayflower, Boston Borough Council, Lincolnshire Chamber of Trade, and Lincolnshire County Council. The aim of the event was to give Boston residents a chance to learn from nutritional experts and local producers to improve their knowledge of healthy eating and food options.

MechanicalCowActivities on offer included soup-making demonstrations, smoothie-making-on-a-bike, and a milk-the-mechanical-cow challenge. Willoughby Road allotment holders were on hand to give tips on growing fruit and vegetables and to help young people plant seeds to take home and grow. Stalls selling goods grown or produced in Lincolnshire helped to raise awareness of what is available locally and encouraged people to ‘buy local’.

Food experts, including health trainers from Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service (LVCS) provided advice on healthy eating options and lifestyle choices.

Boston Town Team Co-ordinator and Network Development Officer for Boston Area Chamber, Jenny Elwick, said: “It was a cold day but over 100 visitors received a warm welcome in Blenkin Hall and a further 40 cycled their way to making smoothies.

“The event was a huge success: we achieved our objectives to bring the community together, and provided advice and support on healthy choices, whilst encouraging our visitors to use local produce. Debbie from Cook4Life received four bookings for her cookery courses and we may even see bees in the Willoughby Road allotments following discussions between Paul and Sarah. These were results we could only have dreamt of.”

SmoothieBikeOne of the most important things for Jenny and the Boston Town Team was that visitors to the event enjoyed themselves. Here are just a couple of the comments they received from visitors on the day:

A very interesting and enjoyable afternoon. Lots to learn, and great tasting soup!

Really enjoyed the talks and demonstrations. Thank you all. Let’s have more events like this.

If you missed the Local Food for Thought event and would like to find out more about alcohol volume awareness, good portion control and how to make smart food swaps, go to the LCVS website to get some top tips from their health trainers.