Looking back

These last three months have seen progress on delivering the second year of the plan, building the profile, sharing success and celebrating achievements with partners and residents.

The first annual celebration attracted a range of people to share in what has been achieved and looking ahead to the coming year. It was very well attended, marked by a specially commissioned first birthday cake, presentations, displays and stories of action and change.

The partnership continues to meet monthly with the strong support of the Locally Trusted Organisation, Age UK Boston and South Holland. Partnership meetings are attended by a core group and supported by others on the partnership wishing to be involved but who can’t make the monthly meetings. New members are most welcome and are being sought.

The plan is running smoothly with progress across all themes and most priorities. All reports are read by the partnership before funding is released and these are placed on the website. The Boston Marathon was a fine success for the town and Boston Big Local itself. Environmental improvements continue through a vibrant partnership with Boston in Bloom and Boston Borough Council. Encouraging enterprise is boosted by supporting the newly established Boston membership of the Hanseatic League.

The partnership is keen on linking with the wider Big Local family and recently the Chair and Plan Co-ordinator met with people from the Royal Exchange Theatre Manchester, who are putting on a series of plays – one of which features Boston. They also contributed detailed reflections on the Big Local Story multi-media project. The report on the Boston Marathon, showing the incredible added value of BBL investment, has been shared nationally as part of a review of added value Big Local brings.

Looking ahead

The summer includes the beach event which was a huge success last year. Agreement by the partnership has been reached to fund the Boston Marathon again and to support developing local facilities for improved access by local groups. The Plan Co-ordinator spoke with the local MP, who was pleased to hear of progress and is coming to the partnership meeting in August.

Working well

The plan is strong and achievable, with a range of groups and organisations supported to help make Boston an even better place to live. While more residents would strengthen the partnership, the celebration showed the strength of loyalty and appreciation for what Boston Big Local is funding and supporting in the town.