Boston Big Local invited Matt Warman, MP for Boston and Skegness, to August’s partnership meeting. Mr Warman stayed for well over an hour and was very positive and supportive of the activities being delivered by Boston Big Local, commenting that the group had a key role to play in changing perceptions locally. He was keen to learn more about the resident-led approach taken by Big Local and how that worked. He was interested in finding out about the proactive role of the resident partnership, and how it plans, reflects and orchestrates, rather than simply pushing through without analysis whatever the community says.

Mr Warman was pleased to hear about the positive partnership with the council (which supports but doesn’t take over), about community cohesion and the importance of telling the story and sharing good news.

He also asked the partnership group what he could do for them and, as a result, he has invited the Plan Co-ordinator to meet with him and the Police Crime Commissioner to consider issues such as street drinking in the town. This fits well with Boston Big Local’s plan objective of funding activities that are a priority, and helping to influence issues that are of importance to residents.

Bill Badham, Local Trust Rep said: “The group were pleased to welcome Matt Warman to the meeting as it gave us an opportunity to share information with him about the Big Local project in Boston.”