Looking back

These last three months have seen good progress on delivering year 2 of the plan, with partnership attention beginning to turn to building the second plan to be launched in April next year

Running things

The partnership continues to meet monthly with the strong support of the Local Trusted Organisation, Age UK Boston and South Holland. Partnership meetings are attended by a core group and supported by others on the partnership wishing to be involved but who can’t make the monthly meetings. New members are most welcome and are being sought.

The plan is running smoothly with progress across all themes and most priorities. All reports are read by the partnership before funding is released and these are placed on the website, followed often with a short story about what’s changed.

Matt Warman MP for Central Boston came to a partnership meeting. He was very positive and supportive of the activities being delivered by Boston Big Local, commenting that the group had a key role to play in changing perceptions locally.

Doing things
A colourful and informative September newsletter shows what Boston Big Local has been up to. The What’s Changed pages give great examples of its impact through its resident led funding, delivered through partnerships with council and voluntary sector partners.

Boston got gold for the second year running in the East Midlands in Bloom competition. It got a special Judges Award for the transformation of the B&M open space, which has undergone landscaping improvements and the installation of new public art, including a mosaic by the Memory Lane group to raise awareness of dementia. It was a fantastic bit of partnership working.

The summer beach event was even bigger and better this year with about 3500 people taking part. And the community chest continues to support and fund great initiatives showing what a small amount of money can do in the hands of inspired and motivated community activists such as the children’s triathlon, community transport, the Wednesday community group and the Lincolnshire Downs Syndrome Support Group.

Looking ahead

In October, the partnership is taking part in a national Big Local review of how to take account of the added value that Big Local brings to the area – volunteer time, funding, other resources – of which the Boston Marathon is an excellent example. Later in October, the partnership is hosting a residents and partners’ event to review progress and draft the second delivery plan. In November it will review how it has been working itself and in the New Year there will be a draft of the new plan for consultation.

Working well

The above report highlights and gives links to great example of things that are working well: partnership working with Boston in Bloom and the summer Beach event; community chest funding to local groups, meeting the local MP and throughout, telling the story through informative and innovative communications such as the summer beach event online photo album.