1948776On 7 December, representatives from Boston Big Local took part in a Locally Trusted Organisations and Big Local Partnerships learning and networking event at The Edge in Sheffield.

The day was organised by Local Trust and provided a useful opportunity for residents and workers from Big Local areas to meet, share information and learn from each other. The programme for the day began with an update from Local Trust followed by a series of workshops and information sessions on topics such as managing workers, collaboration, organising and facilitating meetings, working with volunteers, and financial management.

An afternoon session on Communicating Financial Information was delivered by Wendy Griggs from Age UK Boston and South Holland, the organisation that is our locally trusted organisation (LTO), and Bill Badham who is our Big Local Rep. The aim of the session was to share good practice by explaining how Boston Big Local’s LTO reports timely, user-friendly and accurate financial information to the partnership.

Bill introduced the session by giving an overview of the responsibilities and accountabilities of the Locally Trusted Organisation and its relationship with the Big Local area. Wendy then outlined the system used by Age UK Boston and South Holland to report financial information to Boston Big Local (as its LTO). Wendy shared examples of the reporting and spreadsheet templates which are used for Boston Big Local monthly reports.

Participants who attended the session found it very useful and several Big Local areas indicated that they planned to adopt a similar system in their area.

“The presentation by Wendy provided a first class example of financial reporting,” said a member of the Allenton Big Local team who was at the session. “We now intend to introduce this blueprint and use it in Allenton to improve the way we report financial information to the partnership group.”

The presentation slides from the session, along with slides from the other sessions delivered during the day are available to view online.