Yellow daffodils on a white background

The Community Chest Panel met earlier this month to consider requests from local groups and community organisations who have applied for Boston Big Local funding. In total, £3,000 worth of funding was awarded to seven very different groups.

£250 was awarded to Kuk Sool Wan, a martial arts school for students aged from 5 to 65. The funding will be used to support running costs.

The Butterfly Hospice Trust were awarded £690 for volunteer training expenses, and The Bears Coaching received £200 for bubble football equipment. Boston Bridge Club received £250 to help them buy a computerised scoring system called ‘Bridgemate’.

With spring just around the corner, it came as no surprise to the panel that three of the applications had links to horticultural activities. Boston in Bloom was awarded £1,000 to landscape the raised beds at the Police Station, which is located within the Boston Big Local area. Age UK also received £150 to enable them to run their second annual horticultural show. Finally, Your Day Your Say – a day service for adults with learning difficulties – was awarded £460 to help them install decking walkways to make their growing spaces in Central Park more easily accessible.

 The application deadline for the next round of community chest funding is Monday 31 July at 6pm.