Boston Big Local recently welcomed three new members to the Partnership Group. Mary Wright, Mike Gilbert and Don Jenkins were all elected to the group at Boston Big Local’s Annual General Meeting which was held on 27 February.

All three were motivated to join the Partnership Group because they wanted to get involved and help their community.

Don, whose move to Boston in 1980 was linked to his job with the Electricity Board, said: “Boston Big Local looked like an interesting project to be part of, especially as it impacts on the area I live in.”

As members of the Partnership the new members will join in making decisions on how Big Local funding is spent in Boston. Activities are agreed as part of four themes: health and wellbeing; a more attractive environment; greater community spirit; and encouraging enterprise.

Mary, who was born in Boston, said: “Each of the activities is important in its own way. Boston Big Local has made a difference to many people in Boston.”

Don said: “Funding support for initiatives such as Boston in Bloom and the summer beach in Central Park have made Boston a better place to reside in.”

Our new Partnership Group members enjoy living in Boston and appreciate the town’s history and its people. By joining Boston Big Local they will be able to influence decisions on some of the the projects that are having a positive impact in our town.

If you would like to join the Boston Big Local Partnership Group or are interested in helping the project in some other way, please get in touch. By getting involved with the project you will be able to help deliver the goals set out in our plan. For more information, email Boston Big Local at or talk to us at one of the consultation events.