Bike with car tyresThe Boston Get Cycling Roadshow for 2017 was held in the Market Place between 10am and 3pm on 28 July. The free event was sponsored by Boston Big Local and organised and supported by Boston Borough Council. It provided people from across the community with a chance to try out a mixture of conventional and unconventional bikes, including a junior track, Megabus and recumbent KMX Karts.

The roadshow was well attended and generated a lively atmosphere. In all, 1,023 people visited the outdoor event as spectators or participants, with 497 people registering with Get Cycling to take part in the activities (although that figure does not include the junior track, where registration wasn’t essential).

Village Cycles also took part in the event to provide a free ‘Dr Bike’ cycle clinic, which serviced 16 bikes during the day, some of which were in urgent need of attention.

Those taking part in the activities were mostly children or young people and their parents, but there were also grandparents and other older people who were more than willing to give the activities a try. The junior track catered for children under 7 and was particularly busy throughout the day.

The pedal powered mega bus which offered trips around the Market Place also proved very popular with visitors.

Boston Big Local helps to fund this event as part of Theme 1 of our plan: Health and Wellbeing. In supporting this activity, our aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of residents by encouraging them to take part in events that are either educational and/or fun.

The Get Cycling Roadshow is expected to return to Boston in 2018.

Photo above courtesy of Boston Borough Council