Dog poo dispensersBoston Big Local has provided support for a Boston Borough Council initiative to hand out 500 poo-bag dispensers to dog owners, all of which come ready packed with a full roll of bags. The handy dispensers can be reloaded with rolls of bags which can be bought locally, and have a handy clip to attach to dog leads – meaning pet owners can always be sure of being fully equipped every time they go for ‘walkies’ with their dog.

Pet owners can pick up one of the dispensers for free from the council’s main reception in West Street and they are also being handed out to dog walkers by the council’s environmental enforcement officers.

Dog owner Christine is handed a dog bag dispenser from Chair of Boston Big LocalChristine Drake and Jack, her border collie, were handed one of the dispensers by Boston Big Local Chair, Richard Tory and Cllr Michael Brookes, Boston Borough Council’s portfolio holder for waste services.

Christine said: “I always make sure I have bags with me when I walk Jack, but these dispensers, attached to your dog’s lead, make sure you never go out and forget to take a bag. You can be sure you always have plenty to hand… and sometimes you need more than one!”

This latest initiative to encourage dog walkers to clean up after their pets follows new rules introduced by the council which means those who cannot produce a dog poo bag could face a £100 penalty charge.

Richard Tory said: “There are many obvious reasons why people should clean up after their dogs and this initiative fits Boston Big Local’s theme of helping make the local environment more attractive. There’s nothing attractive about a pile of dog mess left where people can see it and, worse, step into it.”

Cllr Brookes added: “I am grateful for this assistance from Boston Big Local. This is a simple way to be sure anyone walking a dog can be equipped to clean up after their pet. The dispenser means they cannot be caught without a bag and, displayed on their dog’s lead, they provide a very public assurance that they have the intention to do the right thing. And then there’s the no small matter of not ending up with a £100 bill to pay.”

Fines for failing to clean up after a dog, allowing a dog into an enclosed children’s play area or refusing to put a dangerous or nuisance dog on a lead have all now been set at £100.

Public consultation by Boston Borough Council showed that 90 per cent were in favour of it being an offence for dog walkers not to carry a bag or the means at all times to clean up after their dog. And 74 per cent agreed the fine should be £100.