Leaf impressions in clay painted in blue and green coloursWe always look forward to reading the regular updates we receive from the Memory Lane group, and their latest report is no exception. It’s lovely to hear about the different activities the group tackles each week and the rewards they bring to those taking part (as well as some fabulous works of art).

In one of the July sessions led by local artist Carol Parker, the group made impressions in clay with leaves and then used these to fill a deep frame. Identifying the different leaves being used generated plenty of discussion – some people even knew the Latin names! The clay work was painted in the next session and then left to dry ready for framing the following week.

“Squeezing and rolling the clay reminded me of when I used to make my own pastry.”

On a dreary day in August, Tizzie worked with the group to create colourful artwork to brighten things up, despite the dull weather. Splashes of colour were added by creating bright flowers and things related to the seaside. Dyed eggshells were used, which were glued and overlaid to create the flowers and pictures.

People sitting around a table creating artwork from dyed egg shellsFlower shapes created from pieces of dyed egg shellLater in August, Carol led a rag rugging session. The group started off with a blank mat with some strips of scraps of fabric, which were then threaded through the mat and knotted. There was no set pattern so everyone could use their own choice of colours and styles. The aim is to work together as a team and make this a Memory Lane show piece.

Many of the hands-on artwork sessions are accompanied by a singalong, which everyone seems to enjoy.

Rita commented how much she loved singing and how it cheers you up. Although she thought she couldn’t remember the words to many of the old classic songs, she soon joined in and the words came flooding back.

Other sessions this quarter included canvas painting and a project to decorate glass jars. To read more about the activities that have taken place and to see some more lovely pictures from the sessions, read the full report here.