MultiSportsFive more multi sports days took place over the summer. Delivered by Boston United in the Community and supported by Boston Big Local, the sessions were attended by 35 individual children over the five days, with 86 attendances in total. Thankfully, the unpredictable summer weather stayed fine for most of the days – although, given the summer we’ve had in 2017, there were inevitably a few spots of rain.

The children taking part in the sessions got to play a range of different sports over the five days, including dodgeball, football, ultimate frisbee, hockey, basketball, cricket and tag rugby. They also tried some new games such as tug-o-war and had a go on the air trax. Each child was also allocated free time during the day when they could choose to play any sport or game they wanted to.

Here is some of the feedback received from the parents and guardians of the children who attended the multi sports fun days:

“Both my children love the multi sports activities.”

“The fun days allow them to mix with different children and try different things.”

“My son enjoys the multi sports as it gives him a chance to try a bit of everything.”

“It keeps the kids busy and gives them something to do that is healthy!”

“My kids come home happy, tired and asking when the next one is – that’s a winner for me!”

“My child is always well looked after and has lots of fun. It’s easy to book and good value for money.”

Boston United in the Community has a Halloween themed sports fun day lined up for the October half term, which will include a fancy dress competition and the chance to play Halloween themed games and sports.