BBL 3rd BirthdayFrom 3 to 5 pm on Thursday 10th of May at the Len Medlock Centre we celebrated our 3rd Birthday with many people who have been apart of the Boston Big Local journey.

We are grateful for all those who attended and contributed to looking forward to the future as well as celebrating our achievements together.

The celebration was opened by Rachel Laubert the Boston Big Local (BBL) Plan Co-ordinator, who introduce Richard Tory, The BBL Chair to offer his thanks, welcome and overview of the past year.

Wendy Griggs, from our Local trusted Organisation, AgeUK, spoke to give us an overview of our accounts.

To help our celebrations we had invited 4 guest speakers to share how we at BBL had helped them with their projects to make Boston a better place in line with our four themes:

  1. Health and Wellbeing
  2. A More Attractive Environment
  3. Build Community Spirit
  4. Encouraging Enterprise

Richard introduced the first speaker, Kathryn Sperring from LCC, to discuss Aquafit and how, with the financial support from the residents at BBL, they were able to help improve health and wellbeing in Boston and the surrounding area.

The second speaker, Jen Moore from Boston Borough Council shared how over the last 2 years we have worked together to help keep the town tidier through providing pocket ashtrays and dog litter bag holders.

BBL 3rd BirthdayFran Taylor, also from Boston Borough Council, spoke next about the parks and open spaces and the improvements that have been made during our time of working together. The most recent achievement being the opening of the swing in Central Park for children with physical disabilities and the soon to be added roundabout, which can also be used by children in wheelchairs. All making the play areas open to more people.

Fran also shared the growing success of the beach event held in the park for the last 2 summers and how this year there are specific days for the elderly and children with learning difficulties to have the sand all to themselves.

Our final speaker of the day, Alison Fariman, shared the great success of the Boston Hanse Group. Discussing how they promote our town around the world, develop pride in our great history and encourage the youth to get involved through partnerships with the local schools. Alison stated how the funding from BBL helped the Boston Hanse Group pay for the travel of each of their 4 youth representatives to visit another Hanse City in Europe.

BBL 3rd BirthdayOur birthday event finally was to award the first ever BBL Partner of the Award for outstanding contribution and delivering above and beyond the expectation of all at BBL. This the resident of the Boston Big Local panel were pleased to choose Fran Taylor.

Richard Tory proudly presented Fran with her award before thanking everybody for attending and inviting all to tuck into the buffet before cutting our 3rd birthday cake to round off a lovely afternoon of reflection of what we have achieved and optimism for we can do moving forward.