At our AGM on the 9th May, Debbie Broadley was announced as our Partner of The Year for 2019.

We asked Debbie some questions and here are her answers:

Q1. Well done Debbie, How do you feel having been awarded Boston Big Local Partner of the year?

Thank you. Surprised. Shocked. Amazed. All of the above. I do my job, to the best of my ability and never expected the work to be recognised in this way. There is a whole team behind the scenes at Memory Lane Creative Arts and this is recognition for all of their hard work too and that of the artists who work alongside us

Q2. Can you tell us a little about your job role at LHP?

My job title at LHP is Health and Wellbeing Co-Ordinator. This encompasses a multitude of sins. The biggest part of my role by far is the co-ordination of dementia activities and services and also ensuring that LHP staff are, as a minimum, dementia friends but that many more have further training. My role also involves actively encouraging and promoting healthy lifestyles to our communities, partners and staff.

Q3. What has been your favourite or most rewarding project that you have worked on?

There are so many, it’s impossible to choose one project. Working on the B&M Quarter mosaic was amazing. When our group saw their own pieces displayed as part of the whole piece, it was quite emotional. It not only worked on improving the health and wellbeing of the people taking part, it also absolutely created a more attractive environment. The glasswork with Liz Pearson of the Glass Room and creating memory boxes brought forward so many animated discussions, it has to be note-worthy. But also the simple projects, such as repurposing some gifted picture postcards and seeing the different interpretations and creations was a favourite of mine.

Q4. Is it possible that any of your projects would not have happened without the funding from the residents at BBL?

None of our projects would have taken place without the funding from BBL residents.
We do not want people wishing to attend to suffer financial exclusion and this matches BBL long term shared vision. With careful planning, we are able, with BBL funding, to offer fortnightly sessions, all the materials and refreshments completely free of charge. I know from the feedback from our clients that this is very much appreciated.

Q5. What differences do feel BBL has made to Boston in its first 4 years?

BBL has opened up opportunities for people to access and enjoy activities and services that otherwise would not have been available to them. Boston tends to gain most of its press/media coverage for negative events. BBL highlights the positives. Good things do happen in Boston, for Boston residents. It’s a great shame that this doesn’t get more coverage.

Q6. Any other comments you may wish to add.

I would just like to thank Boston Big Local for its continued support of Memory Lane Creative Arts. This group is a lifeline for many of our attendees, particularly those in a 24/7 caring role. To quote a carer who spoke to me at the last session, “I really enjoyed that. Do you know, this group is my lifeline. I don’t know what I’d do without you all.”