The Boston Big Local Resident Partnership is delighted to announce that the Boston Big Local Plan for 2015 -2017 has been endorsed by Local Trust!

Boston Big Local is one of 150 areas that have been awarded £1million to make a lasting and positive difference to their local community over 10 years.

The Plan has been developed in consultation with residents from within the Central Boston Big Local area and addresses the four identified themes: Improving Health and Wellbeing, Creating a more Attractive Environment, Building Community Spirit and Encouraging Enterprise.

A few of our activities include:

  • Free gym membership to children in receipt of Pupil Premium
  • Free lunchtime family activity sessions at the Geoff Moulder Training Pool
  • Enhancing planting in the town centre by providing better quality planters
  • Install new play equipment in Central Park
  • Hold a Summer Beach/fun weekend in Central Park
  • Run a small grants program with funding up to £1000 for community groups
  • Expand the Fit 4 your Future programme to include the private sector giving accessible financial advice to residents

Our vision for Central Boston is for a happy vibrant area where people feel a sense of belonging. We aim to enhance the local area for the benefit of residents and businesses. Our objectives are to build closer communications between all people, make the area more attractive, encourage new businesses and help make the facilities better, improve the environment for all and help ensure cleaner and safer streets.

On receiving the good news from Local Trust our Chairman Richard Tory said ”This is a fantastic opportunity for us to build on our many consultations with the local residents and put into practice their varied suggestions for ways to improve our area”.

To find out more read the Boston Big Local Plan here on our website.