StreetVac2WebOne of the themes agreed in the Boston Big Local plan is to support activities that result in a more attractive local environment. We have agreed three priorities to help achieve this objective:

– Educate and inform residents about their responsibility toward the local environment.

– Brighten up the Boston Big Local area.

– Improve local amenities and open spaces in Boston Big Local area.

To deliver on these priorities, we have already funded a number of activities in partnership with Boston Borough Council including the sponsorship of an environmental crime leaflet, supporting Boston in Bloom, backing a campaign by young environmentalist Anya James, and helping to reduce cigarette rubbish by funding cigarette mini-bins.

StreetVac4WebWe also funded the purchase of a £1,200 purpose-built street vac, which is being put to good use by Boston Borough Council’s Street Cleansing team to clean up cigarette and street litter in the town. Boston Big Local Chair, Richard Tory (pictured right), recently tested the vac on the streets of Boston to find out for himself how it is used.

Boston Big Local’s ‘More Attractive Environment’ theme complements Boston Borough’s ongoing campaign to make Boston a better place. Following a period of education and publicity to make local people aware of what constitutes a littering offence, the Council is now getting tough on littering. They are asking people to do the right thing, and are warning that anyone caught littering will be fined. You can read more in the 1 June and 3 June editions of the Daily Boston Bulletin.