Author Archives Admin

  • Wow! Doesn’t time fly, when you are making a difference. Boston Big Local creates a two-year plan to help ensure it meets the needs of the BBL area. Because we have been given 10 years to invest the £1 Million in the community there will five two-year plans. On the 1st of April 2021, we […]

  • These last three months of reacting to the Covid-19 pandemic have had a huge impact on our neighbourhoods and communities. We have been faced with questions and concerns we could not have even imagined and we approach the summer with many uncertainties ahead. Yet, people’s warmth and compassion, understanding and action in responding to such […]

  • When Emma Whitton, a teacher at Boston High School, asked for help and support in making Face Masks for key services. We at Boston Big Local happily replied to her request. At our panel meeting, we all agreed to set funding aside that Emma could use as she required to purchase the materials she needed. […]

  • On the 15th May, Katy Roberts our plan coordinator arranged a Virtual Coffee Morning over Zoom for different organisations that we had supported. The aim was to discover if we could support them through the COVID-19 crisis and to see if there were any opportunities for the groups to collaborate and/or share ideas. Promoted by […]

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