Looking back

Summer months with Boston Big Local are always busy and often see the highlights of the year for activity supporting the community. And again, this year, the beach event was phenomenal, bigger and running for longer than ever. Fran Taylor orchestrated a range of supportive activities linked to the beach with her usual calm, vision, precision and effectiveness. The number of stalls on the two big days was impressive, caught on film by drone and viewable on the Boston Big Local website.

All other elements of work feeding into the plan objectives are on track and going well. These include Boston Stitchers, Memory Lane, Boston Samaritans, Restore Pantry and LCVS volunteering and the environment project, Boston in Bloom again winning gold, St John’s play equipment and Citizens Advice.

And the next round of the community chest panel was held in September with decisions to be confirmed at the October partnership meeting.

Looking ahead

Boston Monopoly updates have been approved and signed off. Boston Stump is now a key partner and will take over the running of the project. Delivery is expected toward the end of October and certainly in time for Christmas. Boston Stump has agreed to contribute £11,000 to the project and an initial 552 games have been earmarked for them.

A proposal by Neil Watson Photography for a photography exhibition at Fydell House has been warmly received by the group.

Looking to ensure Boston Big Local is not left with any usable assets, the partnership has agreed that its gazebo will be donated to the museum.

And the partnership has put in place its communications strategy through to the end of its involvement in Big Local, using the quarterly newsletters to showcase the achievements over the decade per theme. The first will come out in the autumn, focusing on the first theme of health and wellbeing.