Cyclists in Boston Market Place

A fun event to encourage families to take up cycling was held in Boston Market Place on 22 July. The Bike Try-Out Roadshow was organised by Get Cycling and sponsored by Boston Big Local and Boston Borough Council. As well as traditional bikes, the event offered a range of pedal-powered activities for families to try out, including a smoothie maker and Scalextric racing, plus a bike simulator, KMX Karts and a Junior Track.

Ian Farmer, Partnerships and Sustainability Manager at Boston Borough Council said:

“It was great to see so many people trying out the different bikes on offer and enjoying themselves in the sunshine. The mega bike and KMX karts proved particularly popular. Based on the positive public response, we would definitely consider hosting another cycling event in the future.

We appreciate the financial support provided by Boston Big Local which made this community event possible.”


Rachel Lauberts, Richard Tory and Jody Raggo from Boston Big Local went along to the event and tried out the equipment. Rachel is pictured (left) putting the smoothie maker bike through its paces. Richard is pictured tasting the smoothie with Botolph the Boston Big Local Bear, who was at the event to encourage children to take part.

Bik2Pictured right: Bicycling Botolph and members of the local Health Walking Group try out the bicycle made for seven.