To help create a more attractive environment, Boston Big Local is providing a further £9,000 of funding this year to enhance horticultural displays in the town centre and carry out landscaping improvements along the Haven Bridge corridor. The lead delivery partner for this activity is Boston Borough Council, working with the Boston in Bloom campaign. Their latest report for the period April to June 2016 has now been submitted to Boston Big Local and is available to read here on our website.
The aims of the project are to build civic pride and enhance the environment and townscape for the benefit of both residents and visitors. Businesses, volunteers and community groups are being encouraged to get involved.
The main focus for the project is on improving horticultural displays located in the town centre and carrying out landscaping work alongside the busy Haven Bridge corridor. Activities undertaken between April and May include:
- Bloom volunteers planted 60 bergenia (elephant’s ears) in the Pilgrim’s Patch
- 10 tonnes of free soil has been provided for the urban meadow by Vere Bros and moved by volunteers. Further modifications are planned for the meadow, along with a review of the species mix and management.
- Doughty Quay is being transformed by volunteers to provide new pollinator-friendly plants as part of the Greening Grey Britain Campaign. This has been supported by the Royal Horticultural Society and Western Power Distribution.
- In May, a community mosaic developed by the Memory Lane project to raise awareness of dementia was unveiled in the B & M Open Space.
- A tidy-up was carried out before the East Midlands in Bloom judging with help from HMP North Sea Camp.
The Boston in Bloom Partnership were finalists in the Centrica Community Award category in the Lincolnshire Environmental Awards.

Spring crocus in a garden setting.
Planning ahead
Looking forward, Boston in Bloom has agreed to work with the local Rotary Club to participate in a campaign to plant five million purple crocuses as part of Greening Grey Britain and in support of Rotary’s ‘Purple Polio’ campaign.
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