CommunityTransportPicBoston Big Local has awarded £900 of Community Chest funding to Boston Community Transport, a charitable organisation run by volunteers to provide a community car scheme for people who are unable to access other forms of transport. The funding will be used to support a marketing campaign to let more people know about what’s on offer.

“We want to raise awareness of our service to residents in the area,” said Gill Williamson, who is the organisation’s Business Development Officer. “The main focus of our marketing campaign will be to go out and meet people and talk to them about how Boston Community Transport can help them. We plan to visit GP and dental practices in the area and attend coffee mornings at sheltered housing groups. We want to meet people face-to-face so that we can let them know who we are and explain what the service is all about.”

Boston Community Transport delivers affordable and supportive door-to-door transport for people who need to get to hospital visits, a doctor’s surgery, a social club or any other important appointment they need to attend. It provides a vital service within the community but, according to Gill, it’s not just the service users that benefit.

“The volunteers who drive the cars and help co-ordinate the service also gain from the experience,” she said. “For some, it offers a chance to socialise and make new friends as well as make a valuable contribution to the community. One of our admin volunteers came to us after being made redundant, and for him the experience helped him secure another job.

“A year ago, Boston Community Transport made between 40 and 50 trips a month. In June this year, we made 115 trips – so there are considerably more people making use of the service now. However, we know that there are still a lot more residents who could benefit from community transport, so the marketing campaign will help us reach those people to let them know more about what we offer.”

Boston Community Transport is currently looking to recruit volunteer drivers. If you would like to make a transport booking or find out more about the volunteering opportunities with Boston Community Transport please call 01205 360183 between 9am and 12noon Monday to Thursday. You can also find more information at the Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service website at

Pictured above are (left to right): Gill Williamson, Business Development Officer – Community Transport, Jeff Maidens, Boston Community Transport’s Chair of Trustees, and Richard Tory, Chair of Boston Big Local.