
We were thrilled to learn that Boston in Bloom had received another Gold at the recent East Midlands in Bloom awards ceremony, which was hosted at The Stump. Boston Big Local is very proud to be one of the supporters of the fantastic Boston in Bloom project, which has now received a Gold award for three consecutive years.

The recent edition of our newsletter featured some of the activities that are currently being funded as part of Theme 2 of our plan: A More Attractive Environment.

Boston Big Local’s delivery partner for many of the activities is Boston Borough Council. For 2017-19 the focus of their activities is on improving the public realm by working with Transported, the Boston and South Holland arts organisation, the Port of Boston and community groups.

In their latest funding report for Boston Big Local, Boston Borough Council provided an update on their efforts to enhance the Tawney Street entrance to Central Park and improvements to the waterways which celebrate the history of the town. Community and business engagement is a central feature of the Council’s projects, which will provide a lasting legacy for the future.

Prink roses blooming in Central Park, BostonThe report includes an update on the art deco style garden, which is being developed to mark the forthcoming centenary of the purchase of Central Park by the Corporation. The ground near the Tawney Street entrance was prepared and planted up by Community Payback, Boston in Bloom volunteers and Your-Day-Your-Say in preparation for the installation on 6 July of four art deco style latticework steel arches created by artist Jeni Cairns.

The garden has prompted many positive comments on social media, such as:

“It looks very beautiful. Go and see.”

“They look beautiful. A perfect addition to the new flowerbeds.”

“They look good and cast nice shadows.”

Boston Borough Council has recently secured additional funding to boost environmental improvement projects even further in 2018. The Coaching Inn Group, which owns The White Hart Hotel, has made £2,000 available to support the creation of a central feature to complete the Art Deco garden and Boston Seeds has made £1,000 worth of seed and bulbs available to the Bloom group to further enhance the local environment. Dudley Bryant and Ralph Ottey are giving £2,000 in tranches for planters, trees and an arts project. You can read more about this latest funding boost and see photographs here on the Boston Borough Council website.

During their visit to Boston, the two East Midlands in Bloom judges praised Central Park, saying that they enjoyed seeing its strong floral displays, newly planted birch trees and Art Deco garden. They were also impressed with the pollinator-friendly raised beds at the B&M open space.

Boston Borough Council is planning an official opening of the art deco garden on 10 November 2017.

You can read more articles about these projects on the Boston Borough Council websites:

Archways to the Art Deco garden

A new Art Deco garden for Central Park

Central Park centenary plan