Richard Tory, chair of Boston Big Local, was delighted to get a letter recently from Alison Fairman, Chair of the Boston in Bloom Partnership Group.  Alison writes:

“I am delighted to write to thank you and the residents of Boston Big Local for supporting the Boston in Bloom 2015 campaign. It was noted by the Royal Horticultural Society Judge, from his visit to Boston in July, of the contribution which Boston Big Local made toward the gold award Boston received this year.”

Boston Big Local funding for Boston in Bloom came from its resident-led priority to “Create a more attractive environment” through brightening up the centre. Richard Tory, in thanking the partnership for all its commitment and hard work, said

“This is a wonderful and positive piece of proof that Boston Big Local is having an impact within the town. Well done everyone.”

Alison Fairman’s letter is attached here.

Boston in Bloom gold award 2015