Today we had the pleasure of attending Inauguration for the Memorial of Boston’s Lost Fishermen’s.

We, the residents of Boston Big Local, have played our small part in helping this memorial come to fruition. Our funding helped pay for the wood and tools used to create it. We also supplied additional funds to help the woodcarvers help find a new base after having to leave the Stump, due to its renovation work.

Today’s service was opened by the Chief Executive of Boston Borough Council and conducted by Lay Pastor, Billy Mackenzie who led the well attended service in song and prayer.


Colin Briggs, Chairman of Boston Wood Carvers thanked everyone involved in making this memorial possible.

As a mark of thank for all her support and work, Colin Briggs invited a surprised Jen Moore, from Boston Borough Council, to open the memorial.

His Worshipful the Mayor of Boston, Anton Dani lay Boston Borough Council’s memorial wreath.

Cllr Peter Bedford lays the wreath on behalf of the Fisherman’s Mission.

The whole service was beautifully and kindly supported by Swineshead Silver Band.

The service ended with the National Anthem and prayer before retiring to the Municipal Building for Tea and coffee.