As part of Theme 4 of the Boston Big Local Plan, we fund activities that support Boston residents who are experiencing financial difficulties. One of the ways this is achieved is through the funding of accessible financial advice for people who live in the Boston Big Local area. This advice is delivered by Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire (CAML).

CAML’s financial advice service offers help with day-to-day money advice and guidance issues and CAML can also signpost people to alternative organisations if other life problems are identified.

The latest report from Citzens Advice Mid Lincolnshire to Boston Big Local was received recently. You can read the report here on our website. The case studies outlined give examples of some of the people who have been using the service in recent months, although there is no ‘typical’ service user. Some of the men and women seeking advice from Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire are married, some are single. Their ages vary from under 30 to 60 and over.

The reality is that people of any age, regardless of their marital status and background, can sometimes find themselves in financial difficulty, especially during a wider recession or social economic hardship. When people find themselves in a financial crisis, it can be difficult for them to cope. The support and advice available from CAML provides help, guidance and reassurance at a time when it is most needed. This can include a check to ensure they are receiving the full range of benefits they are entitled to and advise about other forms of support available, depending on their individual circumstances.

If you need advice about an issue affecting you, details of how to contact Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire are available online.