• In a series of creative sessions at Mayfields, Boston, people with dementia and their carers are getting an opportunity to learn new skills and rediscover forgotten talents. The fortnightly sessions began in September and are delivered by Lincolnshire County Council and local artist Carol Parker. The activity is funded by Boston Big Local and also supported […]

  • Boston Big Local has funded a £1,200 purpose-built street vac which Boston Borough Council’s Street Cleansing team are using to clean up cigarette litter. The vac can reach the places the mechanical street sweeper can’t get to. Cigarette litter includes the cellophane wrapper that is discarded when the box is opened, as well as the […]

  • A campaign launched by nine-year-old environmentalist Anya James is helping to improve the area around Maud Foster drain. Anya’s campaign was sparked by her concerns about local wildlife after she spotted a large amount of litter in the water and along the bank at Horncastle Road. After getting in touch with Boston Borough Council, she […]

  • Boston Big Local, along with Boston Borough Council and WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental Limited) have funded a £40,000 refit at Central Park. As well as new safety surfaces, the park has been fitted with new play equipment including pieces that are suitable for children with disabilities. The improvements have seen the installation of roundabouts, play panels, […]

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