
In July, nine boys and nine girls took part in a children’s triathlon which was supported by Boston Big Local’s Community Chest fund. The event was held at Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex and raised £800 for the neonatal unit at the Pilgrim Hospital.

The 18 participants each completed ten minutes of swimming, cycling and running, putting plenty of effort and energy into each of the activities. The winner of the 8-9 years group was Mason Carr, aged 8. Mason also achieved the highest score overall. The winner of the 10-11 years group was Matthew Lewis, aged 10.

The children who took part said:

“It was great fun. I really enjoyed taking part”

“I was tired after the swim. Ten minutes is a long time but I managed to keep going and then finished all the other activities.”

“I liked the challenge of three different sports and hope to take part in more.”

Parents said:

“I really hope the inter-school competition goes ahead so that more children can take part in a triathlon.”

“To raise money for something that is personal to us was allowing us to give something back.”

Frances Taylor, who is the Play and Physical Activity Officer at Boston Borough Council said: “The children showed real determination to finish each activity and looked to be really enjoying the challenge. To raise such a fantastic amount for the Neonatal Unit was really pleasing, especially as some of the children’s families taking part had received vital treatment from the unit in the past.

“I would like to thank Boston Big Local for awarding us the money to be able to deliver the triathlon. I hope the adult one will be as successful as the children’s one has been.”

Scott Higgins another organiser said: “For the first children’s indoor triathlon to be such a success was very rewarding. We are now hoping to hold an inter-school triathlon in March 2017, which again will raise money for a chosen charity. During and after the event all of the children had smiles on their faces and the parents were very helpful in encouraging not only their own child but the other children as well.”

The adult triathlon is scheduled to take place in October 2016. More details to follow nearer the time.


Pictured left are the all the children that took part in the triathlon, with event organisers Scott Higgins, Martin Hill and Frances Taylor, along with Jody Raggo from Boston Big Local. The group is proudly showing the cheque for £794 raised for the Neonatal Unit at Pilgrim Hospital (with more sponsor money still to come in).