At our Community Chest Panel meeting in May, we considered many applications for funding.

From the completed Simple Five Minute Application Forms, the criteria we look for from applicants are that they can demonstrate how our funding will support the BBL Area.

The applications we agreed to fund this quarter are:

Feathers Teens CIC – £1500

To hold educational, supportive and socially engaging sessions at the Stump. The sessions will be open to all local home educated neurodivergent and affected by mental ill health teenagers, and their similarly aged siblings and parents. Our funding will used to purchase the necessary arts and crafts supplies, stem activity resources and refreshments for the sessions.

Curo Lincs – £1500

The funding will purchase seating, raised beds, clear refuse and cover volunteer expenses in the process of completing a community garden, thus providing a safe reflective space for all.

Team for Improving Paediatrics – £1000

Paediatric health professional’s shared decision council that is based at Pilgrim Hospital Children’s ward is a working group that has
been set up to improve working lives. In recognition of the great and challenging work they do, we have funded a variety of events for them and their families.

CAS Learning – £1500

Sought funding to enable people who do not have English as their first language to learn English Language and the British culture. Our funding will support the hiring of a room to deliver their training.

Boston North Childrens Centres – £1500

Applied for a community chest grant to make the environment of their children’s centres more inviting and to help families with the cost of living crisis. Our funding will provide grow-your-own opportunities within the centres for parents to take items grown home to eat,

Carers First – £1500

Our funding will help Carers First provide trips and training for Young Carers. It will give those Young Carers a chance to broaden their horizons.

RoadHog Bus – £1500

The roadHoG Bus Youth Project works in various places in the BBL area to help. With no more spares and the list of major jobs
growing on the 34-year-old double-decker bus. Since August 2022, they have been working hard to replace this vehicle before any breakdown would stop their project.

The Local Community Centre – £1458

Wanting to continue to offer Wi-Fi to its users and an in need of a replacement fridge, a new Laptop plus software and a new floor they applied for funding. Funding which we were happy to provide to BBL located centre.

We are really proud to have supported these groups and look forward to more applications at our September panel meeting. –