Every four months our community chest and events panel meets to consider all funding applications. At our last meeting in September 2023 we funded an amazing £3,300 worth of projects. Check out who we funded in this quarter:

From the completed Simple Five Minute Application Forms, the criteria we look for from applicants are that they can demonstrate how our funding will support the BBL Area.

The applications we agreed to fund this quarter are:

The Salvation Army – £1000

To provide meaningful activities to help individuals with their mental health. Activities like games, quizzes, adult colouring, discussions and free food. We provide a safe, warm and hospitable place for anyone who ‘drops in’.

Centrepoint Outreach – £1500

Our funding will go towards the £8000 cost of a new boiler to serve our drop in centre that support homeless community of Boston.

Boston Friendly Bench – £800

Situated at Ancaster Court, on Broadfield Lane, the friendly bench required funding for guest speakers and new plants for the planters the are incorporated within the bench.

We are really proud to have supported these groups and look forward to more applications at our January panel meeting. – www.bostonbiglocal.co.uk/funding/