As part of Theme 4 of the Boston Big Local Plan we are providing funding to support accessible financial advice for people who live in the Boston Big Local area, delivered by Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire (CAML).

In their latest report, CAML has provided examples of recent case studies to demonstrate some of the ways they are helping residents of Boston.

One of the case studies in the report relates the dilemma faced by a client who was referred by Fit 4Your Future. The client was in debt and needed help. CAML met with him a number of times to help him deal with the issues by providing advice and guidance including:

  • completing a budgeting form, which showed a shortfall between income and expenditure
  • advising the client to open a new basic bank account and to give up his car, which he couldn’t afford as it was on hire purchase
  • recommending that the client tackle his spending on various websites, which was adding to his financial problems.

CAML also referred the client to Affordable Warmth for heating assistance and encouraged him to talk to some of his debtors to see if his outgoings could be reduced to a more manageable level. They also booked a debt appointment for him to deal with bank overdrafts.

Debt is a common problem and it can be stressful. However, support is available for those who need it to help them understand their options and make the right choices. Useful information about debt and money is available from the Citizen’s Advice website at

Help with a variety of issues

CitizensAdviceBureauAs the case study report from CAML shows, it is not just money advice and debt that they can provide help with. People of all ages and circumstances approach CAML with a variety of issues and enquiries, such as legal rights, benefit checks, employment law, compensation claims and housing issues. For some of the clients, English isn’t their first language and an interpreter may be needed to translate.

In their report, CAML said: “A client needing help with a probate form was very happy with the support and guidance she received to complete the form and she knows she can contact us if she requires any further help.”

If you have been affected by an issue and feel that you would benefit from advice, details of how to contact Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire are available online.