Families and young children have been improving their fitness through gym and swimming activities funded by Boston Big Local. The activities are part of Theme 1 of the Boston Big Local Plan which prioritises the improvement of health and wellbeing.

Both the swimming and gym sessions have been delivered by Boston Borough Council’s Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex.

The swimming activities have included 90-minute inflatable sessions in the training pool for families during the school holidays. Over 100 participants from 28 families took part. In addition, 12 children were offered swimming lessons and almost 100 families took up the offer of a free family swim voucher.  Here are some of the comments from those involved:

Swimming 2Web“It’s been great fun.”

“I’m worn out!”

“We want to come every week now.”

“We love swimming as a family.”

“I feel more confident in the water now.”

A free three month kids gym membership has also been provided for 17 children. The children have been able to use Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex’s dedicated kids gym, which is equipped with treadmills, cross trainers, rowing machines, spin cycles and a range of weights and equipment. All of the sessions are supervised by qualified gym instructors. Comments from the children who have used the kids gym include:

“I’m now aware of the benefits of exercise.”

“I’m more confident.”

“My self-esteem has improved,”

“It’s helped me make friends.”

sporty peopleA three month discounted membership of the main gym has been offered to twenty-five 16 to 17 year-olds, giving them access to all areas including gym classes, the health area and swimming. Boston Borough Council will continue to offer the discount to these young people while ever they are in full-time education. Feedback from those using the gym has been very positive:

“I’m feeling better in myself. The staff are great.”

“Love it!”

“I really enjoy coming. My confidence is growing.”