asparagusAge UK Boston & South Holland has been awarded £235 from Boston Big Local’s Community Chest to support their first horticultural show, which will be held on Wednesday 14 September. The funding will be used for publicity materials and the purchase of trophies and rosettes for the show.

Age UK Boston & South Holland’s Horticultural Show will be held on Wednesday 14 September at William Garfit House, High Street, Boston

Age UK Boston & South Holland provides a range of support services for older people in the Boston area and delivers coffee mornings and other activities to reduce isolation and loneliness.

Their first horticultural show will be held at Age UK at William Garfit House on High Street in Boston. The event will showcase a range of categories, including fruit and vegetables, flowers, baking and arts and crafts. There will be a £1 fee for each entry. Those placed first to fourth will receive certificates and rosettes.

“The show will encourage people to bake cakes, create arts and crafts, and grow fruit, vegetables and flowers,” said an Age UK spokesperson. “These kind of activities improve health and wellbeing and build community spirit.”

Age UK Boston & South Holland is planning to make the horticultural show an annual event. If you are interested in taking part in this year’s show and would like an entry form, please call Age UK Boston & South Holland on 01205 364161.