Boston Big Local is one of 150 areas that have been awarded £1million to make a lasting and positive difference to their local community.

The project is being steered by a local Partnership and coordinated through TaylorITEX CIC, which is acting as the Local Trusted Organisation (LTO) for the project. TaylorITEX CIC is a Community Interest Company based within the Boston Big Local area.

Boston Big Local funding is a 10-year programme aiming to make a big difference to the local area and long-lasting change to the lives of those people living and working in the area.

Although a 10-year programme, this plan is for an initial two years. Throughout the programme there will be an annual review to ensure that the priorities continue to reflect the needs of the area and that Boston Big Local is led and managed well and in line with the Big Local ethos and our guiding values and principles.

Our Vision

Our vision is for a happy vibrant area where people feel a sense of belonging.

We aim to enhance the local area for the benefit of residents and businesses.

Our objectives are to build closer communications between all people, make the area more attractive, encourage new businesses and help make the facilities better, improve the environment for all and help ensure cleaner and safer streets.

Our Profile

Our profile was completed in early November 2014 and submitted to Local Trust. It gives us a rigorous and detailed look at the Boston Big Local area and surrounding parts of the town. It draws on nationally available data and local knowledge, including from Placecheck, see Our profile is a public document available on our website, We see it as giving a sure foundation to build the plan, based on a sound understanding of local need. The profile will be updated periodically over the ten years to ensure our vision, themes and activities remain based on accurate assessment of local issues.


Our Boston Big Local themes arose from surveys and discussion with Boston Big Local residents, workers and non-residents, reflecting on:

  • Personal experience and knowledge
  • The profile report
  • Previous reports and consultations

These four themes were tested out on 16 October 2014 before being finalised. They are nonetheless a guide and not constraining. We see them as likely to evolve over the ten years. Through sorting and consulting on the activities within the theme, they each divide into things that Boston Big Local is best placed to support and fund and things that Boston Big Local could and should be informing and influencing others to take action on. This distinction means that there is built into the plan the capacity within Boston Big Local to take on this informing and influencing role to ensure adequate and improved quality and access to services provided by or funded by the local authority and other bodies. Once the plan is approved, the partnership will discuss and agree priorities for influencing and required actions and resources to progress.

The four themes are:

  1. Improving health and wellbeing
  2. Creating a more attractive environment
  3. Building community spirit
  4. Encouraging enterprise


Our four outcomes in line with the Big Local programme are:

  1. The community agrees needs and priorities in the area and takes action on them
  2. People gain confidence and skills for now and the future
  3. The community makes a real difference to the needs it has given priority to
  4. People feel this area is an even better place to live

Activity Plans

The Activities link with the four themes and include VAT. Each has a detailed action plan which will be incorporated into the SLA once approved. As lead delivery partners are identified, they will become the accountable body to the Partnership Group. They will be responsible for highlighting and feeding in information about trends, new concerns and successes. This will help the Partnership Group to review and evaluate what is happening and ensure the Partnership can respond to changing attitudes in the area and remain responsive.

The Plan Preview Events

The plan preview events are an opportunity for residents and interested parties to view our draft plan before it is submitted to Local Trust for approval. The Plan is for two years April 2015 – March 2017 and it is our intention to draw down £200,000 of funding for this period.