As the weather gets colder this feels like the perfect time to share this good news story.

Early in 2019, Boston Big Local received a Community Chest application from Centrepoint Outreach through our simple 5 Minute Funding Form.

The request was for £1500 for a new boiler. The application clearly demonstrated how our funding would help support the people of the BBL area and we happily granted the funding.

On the 9th September, Boston Big Local received a lovely thank you letter (see below)



Following on from the letter, on the 19th September, Richard, BBL Chairman, met with Liz, Centrepoint Outreach CEO and Claire, Shop Manager to see how the boiler in place.

Liz Hopkin’s feedback was:

That the application, could not have been much simpler and the whole process was the least painless for funding I have experienced. Thank you.

This was music to our ears because, for the last 2 years, that has been our aim to make the application process as simple as possible.

We feel this has been a very worthwhile project that makes a real difference to the BBL area and the people who live there.