
Boston Big Local held a Plan Conference on 24 October at the Len Medlock Centre in Boston. The event was attended by Partnership Group members and key delivery partners and locally based organisations who are involved with Boston Big Local or who have received funding support.

The morning session began by reflecting on, reviewing and celebrating the things that had been achieved in the first eighteen months of activity. Participants were encouraged to share their experiences of Boston Big Local and to talk about what had gone well, areas for improvement and lessons learned.

It’s reassuring to know that Boston Big Local funding is there to help. It allows you to start thinking about ideas for activities that bring the community together and improve Boston.

Jenny Elwick, Boston Town Team

Without Boston Big Local funding, the Boston Marathon would not have happened so quickly and so smoothly. The £8,000 of support offered by Boston Big Local made a real difference. The Boston Marathon will put the area on the map locally and make people feel better about the town.

Councillor Richard Austin

Boston Big Local funding offers local organisations a chance to pilot things and try them out. The support Boston Big Local has given to Boston in Bloom has helped to make Boston look so much better. Having the backing of Boston Big Local has definitely encouraged local businesses to be more supportive of Boston in Bloom.

Alison Fairman, Boston in Bloom

The funding we’ve received from the Community Chest has allowed us to install a better, more efficient telephone system. This has given the growing number of people using Boston Community Transport more confidence in the service.

Gill Williamson, Boston Community Transport

You can read the conference slides below:

planconferenceagendaDuring the afternoon the focus was on gathering ideas that could be used to develop new activities for the second Boston Big Local Plan, which will run from April 2017 to March 2019.

It was a busy, friendly day that gave rise to lots of positive comments and innovative ideas to address local issues and community needs.

“The ideas generated during the afternoon session of the Plan Conference will be used to formulate future activities and strategy,” said Rachel Lauberts, Boston Big Local’s Plan Co-ordinator. “The next stage will be to consult with local residents and groups to get their views on how Big Local money should be spent in Boston over the coming years.”