Big Local: Positive News about positive action and local-led change

A great article has just been published on line by Positive News which you can find here:

The article talks about Big Local as a “bold approach to regeneration, investing over ten years in communities which have been overlooked for funding in the past and, most radically, letting residents hold the £1m purse-strings.”

“Resident decision-makers have gained confidence in public speaking, accounting and community consultation.”

“For most people in these areas, this is the first time they have ever experienced this degree of control over so much money.”

The article is backed up by Big Local’s recent annual review of progress which was done by The Institute for Voluntary Action Research’s (IVAR).

The top three headlines are:

    1.  Big Local puts residents in the driving seat and Big Local partnerships reflect this.The review indicates that 75% of partnerships’ members are residents and 94% of those with voting rights on partnerships are residents.


    1.  Residents are choosing to tackle big issues, through sometimes complex projects in their areas.They are investing in public spaces and community buildings, as well as finding ways to make their communities more cohesive through social and self-help activities. They plan to help build their local economy, tackle health and social welfare issues, and improve local housing and transport.


  1. Big Local areas are making progress.By the beginning of 2013-14 all 150 Big Local areas had accessed funding to at least deliver Getting Started activities, before progressing to develop and deliver a Big Local plan.

You can find out more about the annual review across the 150 Big Local areas here:

Bill Badham

Boston Big Local Rep