Wow! Doesn’t time fly, when you are making a difference.

Boston Big Local creates a two-year plan to help ensure it meets the needs of the BBL area. Because we have been given 10 years to invest the £1 Million in the community there will five two-year plans.

On the 1st of April 2021, we will complete our third two-year (2019-2021) plan and start our 4th, and penultimate, plan. Before we start this plan it is time to reflect on the achievements from our 2019-2021 plan.

Our focus in each plan is guided by our four themes of how we wish to improve the BBL area:

  1. Health and Wellbeing
  2. A More Attractive Environment
  3. Build Community Spirit
  4. Encouraging Enterprise

What we achieved since 2019


  • There has been good progress across all themes and priorities. We keep track and report action
    and change on our website and the newsletters and through social media, Facebook and Twitter.
  • We have actioned most, if not all, of the projects included in the 2019-2021 plan.
  • We have been flexible and adaptable to rapidly changing needs since the Covid-19
    pandemic began in March 2020.
  • While year two events were badly affected by the pandemic, we have supported
    online meetings and support groups and funded protective equipment to help groups
    adapt their services.
  • We used our partnership meetings and quarterly reporting systems to check on
    progress, offer support where there have been difficulties and enable services to adjust
    and reconfigure to meet with current health and safety requirements and legislation.
  • Those projects which have shown themselves beneficial to the residents, in general, will be
    reconsidered for the future plan.

How we have helped.

Specifically, through the life of the last plan, Boston Big Local has witnessed changes through our investment in the following activity. 

Health and Wellbeing
  • Most BBL projects have had a positive impact on health and wellbeing
  • BBL provided a wide range of activities that promote health and wellbeing
  • Events and the pirate ship have got people out and improved health and wellbeing
  • BOSFIT –  By BBL being flexible with funding in year 6 (2020) we have enabled free accessible exercise classes during the pandemic.
  • Dementia – We continue to support the dementia group, through arts, singing and raising awareness.
  • Supporting the Samaritans is one of our biggest contributions to enable them to support service in these difficult times.
  • We have raised the profile of health and wellbeing and the opportunities available to residents through events and initiatives.
  • We are making the town more accessible to all and aims to continue to do so.
  • Our Boston (UK) Trump Cards are bringing people together and getting them talking.
A More Attractive Environment
  • Continued investment in Boston in Bloom helps keep our town looking great and helps keep the upkeep of previously BBL funded projects like the Art Deco garden and the new Community Garden.
  • LCVS environmental volunteering will encourage residents to take part in activities to improve the BBL area.
  • Our contribution to Transported/ Boston in Bloom and supporting Boston Borough Council with the gardens in the park are improving the look of the town.
  • Investing in community noticeboards residents know what’s on, event as well as see important information.
  • By supporting the Woodcarvers we now have a Fisherman’s Memorial.
Build Community Spirit
  • COVID responsiveness.
  • Every edition of our Newsletter is now delivered to every house in the area.
  • Events have enabled groups to network.
  • We made our funding application form simpler to make it easier for groups to receive investment.
  • We have funded diverse groups and enable them to mix and collaborate.
Encouraging Enterprise
  • Funded a new boiler for the Homeless Charity Centerpoint, so they can continue to keep their shop open and stay open.
  • Top Trumps – People understand more about their town’s history.
  • Continued support for the Citizens Advice Bureau is well needed by the community.
  • Funding has helped the Hanse group promote our town.

Even more feedback from our last 2 years!

We shared this image on Facebook and Twitter.

Boston Big Local 2 Years

Some of the comments we have received and our responses are:

Boston Big Local has pledged money towards installing air filtration systems in the auditorium at Blackfriars Theatre, part of our efforts to improve Covid safety.

This investment helped Blackfriars Theatre receive more funding towards their air filtration system.

Boston Big Local has helped the Boston Santa Run and hopefully this year we’ll be able to show everyone how!!! Thank you

We look forward to seeing the Santa Run this year.

Fydell house has had funding for a professional picture hanging and lighting system so we can host art exhibitions and enable our local artists to showcase their work.

Fantastic, we so look forward to the lifting of lockdown so we can come and see the exhibitions.

Boston Big Local has given funding to start-up the Boston Book Festival enabling us to get a professional logo, event insurance and start our website.

We are pleased to have helped, love books and hope the festival brings many people to our town.

Boston Big Local has been amazing in supporting all of our projects to help our Blackfriars Theatre Academy members continue to be able to engage with the Theatre and be creative throughout both lockdowns. We are particularity grateful for their flexibility as our plans have changed to keep up with restrictions

Thanks! We are particularly proud of our flexibility in being able to adapt quickly. We are pleased it helped support the great work you are all doing at Blackfriars Theatre Academy

Funded a disabled ramp on the back of our scout hut in town.
Made easier access for all as the previous install was too steep for able-bodied to use safely.
Can’t wait to reopen so it’s full benefit will be felt.
That is great to hear, Fingerscrossed you are able to open soon. So, as you say, you can get the full benefit of the ramp.