As you may already know Boston Big Local was given £1 Million to spend over 10 years.

We plan to invest in many community projects and have also set £100,000 aside for a major project in our final year, which is 2025.

We are now looking for your feedback on 2 questions:

  1. What community projects would you like to see in the BBL area?

  2. What would you like the £100,000 major project to be?


To share your views please fill in the form at the bottom of this page or alternatively, you can email your views to marking it with the subject – BBL Ideas.


Some suggestions we have had for community projects are:

  • Giant Chess in Central Park
  • Community Rock Choir
  • Community Artist to teach painting
  • Volunteers to clean up the town
  • More events including Party in the Park and more events for children
  • Every ward to have a working group
  • Improve the Market and more Shops
  • Moreover 60’s groups
  • Walk-in-centre for young people with mental health issues/meeting place to go and talk to
  • Exercise group for Mum’s and daughters
  • Homeless centre
  • Wishing fountain in the centre of town
  • Exercise equipment in Shelton’s field
  • Free toilets
  • Family sports day
  • Healthy eating for families
  • Carnival to raise community spirit
  • More Benches to sit on around the town
  • More Toddler groups for Young mum’s and dad’s to attend
  • More multi-use games areas
  • Outdoor fitness classes for families to exercise together
  • Better network for those with mental health – especially for youngsters

Some suggestions for the £100k major project have been:

  • Sculpture
  • Homeless shelter
  • A Bandstand in central park
  • Band Stand in Central Park
  • Look after what the youngsters would like if they are happy I am happy
  • More events – The ones that are organised are brilliant so more, please
  • A water splash zone in Central Park
  • A new Skate-park

Share your views below: