At our quarterly funding panel meeting on the 12th January 2021, we considered the applicants who applied using our 5 minute funding form.

In this funding cycle, the applicants we were able to support are:

Boston History Tours
Are looking to promote tourism in Boston and run walking tours for school
children and asked for £1000 to cover advertising and marketing costs.

Boston Book Festival
Are planning a small literary festival in 2021, which they hope will become an annual or biennial event. The event aims to champion the literary work done by local writers, although also hopes to involve some well-known national authors.
They requested £1500 to defray start-up costs such as printing, stationery, postage, website design, and room hire.

Boston branch of St John Ambulance
Their cadet programme currently costs the charity £1.1m a year to run, just £145 for each young person.  
They would like to continue this resource and expand and develop their programme for 2021.  
They asked for an investment of £1500 to allow them to recruit, train and provide the provision of uniform to more young people in the area.

The Local Community Centre
Were looking to make their building more accessible to their users.
They requested funding of £1500 for the removal of the existing two steps at the exit and the installation of a new concrete access ramp with a safety handrail to one side of the ramp.

If your group is in the Boston Big Local Area or you can demonstrate how your groups support people in the BBL area and feel we could support you please do apply for our next funding cycle by filling in our 5 Minute Funding Form.