Page 12 - ABLNewsletterMarch2017
P. 12
James Sutton a local artist attended the session today and brought a large selection of materials for everyone to use. The group firstly drew sketches of a fish that they would like to then mould from clay using materials to create scales and patterns. After modelling a fish from clay, James would then use the models to make metal versions of everyone’s fish which would then be displayed on Sluice Bridge in Boston to the public. Dick decided to not make a fish out of clay but to instead focus on doing a brilliant and more detailed sketch of a fish (see right). Dick discussed his love for visiting art galleries, particularly the Tate Modern in London, and his favourite artists such as Picasso.
Reg got stuck into the task and created an excellent fish with the help of Judy his partner. Judy later emailed after the session to say that she always finds the sessions entertaining and enjoyable. She explained that she is surprised that Reg has taken to his Wednesday mornings out, and that it is a positive change for him getting him active and joining in. Judy said that Reg is usually ‘horizontal on the sofa’ watching the TV when he is at home. Sheila also made a brilliant fish, and Reg though her fish looked like the fish from Finding Nemo! See below, (right) Sheila’s fish, (left) Reg’s.

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