Page 13 - ABLNewsletterMarch2017
P. 13
Andy and Marti enjoyed the task and made some fantastic designs. Andy often got up and circulated the room for a walk to keep active. Andy told me how him and Marti met, and about his religious beliefs and how they benefitted his relationship with Marti, and helped him to overcome challenges he has faced in his life. Andy would like to bring some leaflets to the next session to discuss.
Sarah and Carol both enjoyed the activity. I had a chat with Sarah about her role as a carer. Sarah explained that she rarely gets time for a rest or ‘me time’ due to her responsibilities as a carer for her father and her sister. Sarah also works for the NHS. Sarah said that coming to Memory Lane gives her that time for herself, and allows her to socialise with others. I told her that she is more than welcome to come and have a chat with me if she ever needs to talk about her challenges or how she is feeling.

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