Page 5 - Microsoft Word - ML reports Oct Nov Dec 2017.docx
P. 5
8th NOVEMBER 2017
Today we experimented with our new glass paints, donated to the group.
We happily welcomed new members, husband and wife, Madge and Bill to the group. The existing members were happy to see the new faces and were very interested to hear of Bill’s artistic past.
We drew some designs on paper before taking to the glass painting.
Our new member Bill, and Marti being inquisitive about his fabulous past arts adventures.
Some print-­‐outs of idea were bought in to help inspire the group to with designs and techniques that they might like to paint on to the jars. Marti was struggling for inspiration, whilst Andy was enthusiastic that he wanted to do birds or rabbits.
The group was soon ready to put brush to jar with plenty of colourful and metallic paint to choose from.

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