Page 2 - BBLMay2026
P. 2
“Would you be willing to take part in the Boston Royal Bear Challenge?” Rachel asked.
feeling stuMped
Royal, eh? Botolph liked the sound of that.
“When is it?” he asked.
“The 12th of June at the Boston Stump,” Rachel told him.
“I’ll have to check my diary, but I think that should be OK.”
feeling sCared
“So what exactly does it involve?” Botolph asked.
“We want you to abseil down the Boston Stump,” Rachel explained.
Botolph gulped. What on earth had he let himself in for?
By the next day, Botoloph had changed his mind. He wasn’t going to do the challenge. He really didn’t like heights and the thought of abseiling down the tower was very scary.
Then the postman arrived. Rachel had sent him a leaflet about the challenge, which was being organised by the Parish of Boston. It was for a good cause and the event was being sponsored by Boston Big Local too. Botolph realised he would have to overcome his fears and do it!

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