Page 3 - BBLMay2026
P. 3
the Big daY arrives
On the 12th June, Botolph was pleased to see that Boston Big Local Chair, Richard Tory, was at the Stump to support him. Or is he here to make sure I don’t back out, Botolph wondered?
“Why don’t you join me, Richard? Do you fancy abseiling down the tower?”
“Er, no thanks,’ said Richard. “Maybe another time. It’s bears only today.”
Bears onlY!
feeling proud
As Botolph registered for the challenge, he discovered that his name was top of the list. He would make the jump first!
He felt nervous, but also very proud.
Bearing up!
Lots of other brave bears lined
up next to Botolph to take the challenge. As they stood together outside the tower of St Botolph’s Church and looked up, they realised just how far they would be travelling.
a long WaY up
“The tower is 272 feet and 6 inches high,” said a brown bear who looked very old and wise. “It is the tallest parish church tower in England.”
Slowly, very slowly, Botolph began to climb to the top.
an interesting faCt

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