Richard Tory, Chair of Boston Big Local presents a cheque to Gill Williamson of Boston Community TransportThe Community Chest panel recently awarded £1,000 to Boston Community Transport, a volunteer-led charitable organisation that provides a community car scheme for people who are unable to access other forms of transport.

The scheme is run by volunteer co-ordinators and drivers and offers a low-tariff door-to-door service for people who are unable to access existing forms of transport, or for whom no alternative transport is available. It is used regularly by local residents who need to visit their doctor, travel to a hospital or clinic, go to a social club or get to an important appointment.

“We deliver a service that is affordable, reliable, flexible and supportive,” said Gill Williamson, from Boston Community Transport (pictured left with Richard Tory, Chair of Boston Big Local). “The big advantage for people using the service is that the driver will wait for them and, if they need it, provide assistance once they get to their destination. This can be anything from helping them find their way around a hospital to stopping at a shop or chemist on the way home so that they can buy something they need.”

The £1,000 community chest award from Boston Big Local will be used to fund some of the costs of running the volunteer office. This will allow Boston Community Transport to open the office and take bookings four days a week, instead of three.

The organisation has also invested some of the funding in a new telephone system that enables calls to be diverted to drivers when the office is closed.

“Hospitals often cancel or change appointments at short notice,” Gill Williamson explained. “The new phone system allows drivers to be informed quickly if something changes, which will save time and cut down on wasted journeys.”

Boston Community Transport also has plans to develop a website which service users and their families will be able to access whenever suits them best. The site will include an online contact option for requesting a transport booking.

“The community chest and Big Local funding are fantastic,” Gill Williamson added. “Boston residents get to choose how the money is spent, which means that local people and groups can benefit.”

If you would like to make a transport booking or find out more about volunteering opportunities with Boston Community Transport please call 01205 360183 between 9am and 12noon Monday to Thursday.

The Community Chest is a small grants fund for residents, community groups and charities. It’s available to residents in the Boston Big Local area who have an innovative idea and need a cash boost to make it happen, and to charities and community groups who need additional support to deliver their services.