The Memory Lane project continued to deliver an interesting programme of activities during the summer for people with dementia and their carers.

jacksonpollockinspiredIn July the group enjoyed a Jackson Pollock inspired painting session accompanied by some upbeat music from the 1960s. “You had to be there to see just how much fun it was,” said Deborah Broadley, Healthy Living Co-ordinator at Boston Mayflower. “It takes a while to get into the groove when you’re not used to throwing, spraying and otherwise distributing paint, but the results speak for themselves.”

beadsandbuttonsOther sessions in July and August included art from ‘beads and buttons’, weaving, and  environmental themed art using leaves of varying shapes and a range of colours. Some of the finished pieces from that session were displayed in the garden at Mayfields and some were made into a collage and laminated for the artists to take home.

dreamcatcherIn September, artist Carol Parker led a session on making dreamcatchers. Participants were asked to wrap a polystyrene ring with fabric and yarn, create a cobweb with another yarn, and attach ribbon and hanging lines including feathers and heavy beads.

The repetitive wrapping action involved in making a dreamcatcher is good for developing concentration and co-ordination, and the range of coloured yarns and different textures provide tactile and visually stimulating elements to the activity.

The arts activities have all been very well-received and each session has been attended by between 5 and 12 people. You can read a full report from the Memory Lane sessions and see more photographs here.