Every three months or so, I share my thoughts on local area progress with you as residents as your Big Local Rep and with the central team managing the national programme. Your comments and thoughts are always welcome.

Big Local is half way through. An excellent report charting challenges and achievements is well worth a scan. There are also loads of small film clips from residents about the impact you are making. A more catchy way of capturing the Big Local magic is to listen in to these lyrics written at Big Local Connects 2019. Locally and nationally, to quote Local Trust CEO, “We are telling out story more proudly and it seems to be having an effect.”

Priorities and achievements looking back: running things well and reviewing the partnership, reporting local action and change and community engagement

Running things

The partnership continues to meet monthly with strong support from the Local Trusted Organisation, Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire. Finances are reviewed each month and headline figures displayed on the spend barometer on the website. In October, the partnership review was submitted and all quarterly reports from partners scrutinised, approved and posted to the website. These provide the evidence of outcomes and impact through stories of action and change posted on the website and in newsletters delivered to every household. Continuing consultation with residents is gaining insight into potential activity for future investment, including any one major project of £100,000.

Doing things

Activities and projects are on track across all themes and priorities in the plan. To everyone’s great delight, the Pirate Ship playground was completed in double quick time, with the builders working closely with inquisitive and intrigued local children. The Christmas Market took place and gave a good showcasing opportunity for Boston Big Local. 

Key priorities looking ahead

The partnership will consider again in January the LCVS bid for an environment volunteer co-ordinator. It is mindful to support this. Locally, it continues to grow partnerships with the Townscape Heritage Initiative and Shodfriars theatre. Nationally it is checking out the possibilities of collaboration with two national Big Local initiatives: Connecting with Science and the Artist in Residence programme.