• We are delighted to announce that our Boston Profile is now completed, printed and delivered to the Local Trust.  This profile is a mandatory document required by Local Trust and its purpose is to provide them and the profile readership with an overview of the Big Local area it represents.  This robust profile has been […]

  • Big Local: Positive News about positive action and local-led change A great article has just been published on line by Positive News which you can find here: http://positivenews.org.uk/2014/community/16556/big-lottery-fund-puts-pound-power-hands-deprived-communities/ The article talks about Big Local as a “bold approach to regeneration, investing over ten years in communities which have been overlooked for funding in the past […]

  • PASSING TRADE Passing trade was a Victorian phrase That was coined in less hectic days When deliveries came on horse-drawn drays And the people shopped in different ways It described pedestrians, with time to gaze At witty, or clever, window displays   But this is an age of internal combustion With narrow streets and traffic […]

  • Feedback on King’s Lynn visit (Tuesday 23rd September, 2014) First Impressions Despite road signs warning of road closures within the town, the outskirts contained areas of well maintained ‘green space’. It was a clear, bright day (which always helps) and the South Quay looked clean and tidy as we stepped off the minibus. Litter There […]

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