The Boston Big Local Community Chest Panel met recently to consider the latest funding applications. Seven organisations were successful and were awarded the following funding amounts to support their activities:

  • £336 to the Louise and Sarah Memorial Fund towards the development of a permanent memorial for people who have lost their lives on Lincolnshire’s roads.
  • £500 to Bringing Learning into Communities, a new training provider that offers a holistic approach to training for individuals, community groups, not-for-profit organisations and voluntary organisations. They will use the funding towards the cost of room hire. 
  • £500 to Boston Women’s Aid, a domestic abuse charity, who plan to buy two new sofas for their refuge.
  • £500 to Boston and South Holland Talking Newspapers, which provides a free audio service to sight-impaired people in the area. The Community Chest funding will help them with their room hire costs.
  • £1,000 to Boston Body Hub, a community gym, which will use the funding award for their volunteer expenses.
  • £1,000 to Boston Community Health Walks, a newly formed walking group in the area. The award will help them with start-up costs.
  • £1,000 to Geoff Moulder Leisure Centre to run an inter-schools triathlon in March 2017 following on from the kids triathlon in 2016.

We will bring you further details of these organisations and how the Community Chest funding has helped their projects in future blog posts – so check back soon for more information.

If your group or organisation is interested in applying for a Community Chest award, the next round of funding is now open. The application deadline is 28 February 2017. Visit our Community Chest page for details of how to apply.